
What Would Happen If Somebody Stole Erzas Cake



Serial Fairy Tail
Writer Hiro Mashima
Name Natsu Dragneel / Etherious Natsu Dragneel (Eastward.Northward.D)
Gender Male
Age Over 400 years former
Altogether X777 (July 7th)
Manga debut 2006
Anime debut 2009
Part Main Male person Grapheme
Occupation Team Natsu / Mage of the Fairy Tail guild
Alive or Dead? Human form is dead, demon form is alive
JP voice Tetsuya Kakihara, Mako Sakurai
EN voice Todd Haberkorn, Luci Christian
Likes His dub voice, Fight with Jellal
Dislikes His second fight with Zeref / Haven't confessed to Lucy yet :(
Interesting fact? Natsu was supposed to exist a spirit with horns

"If I run out of power today, then I volition borrow some from tomorrow!"



So back in the fifth of Apr, I attempted to brand a wiki virtually one of my favorite characters in Fairy Tail, which would exist Greyness Fullbuster. That wiki became successful, too successful to the fact that information technology became my virtually liked weblog of all time standing at i.iv hearts!! You guys must really love Gray Fullbuster don't you lot all? Well, because of that, why not do another Fairy Tail wiki for you guys? I'll exist talking about Grey's all-time bro and Igneel's best adoptive son Natsu Dragneel. I know many of you dear him to death, just in all honestly... I don't. You see, this human is i of my most disliked characters in Fairy Tail. Plainly because of his actions and repetitive self after the Tenrou Island arc (or Tenroujima if you're cool with that). Because of this, I desire to avoid talking much about Natsu after the 7 yr timeskip since I will say things that will trigger the fanbase very easily. So, the Natsu betwixt the Macao-Edolas, Starry Heaven, and Tartaros arcs are fine past me. Those were the times I had no problems with Natsu's development. Anything other than those will be ignored completely. I desire to keep this equally much as possible. I don't desire to go dorsum and forth showing JUST my criticism about a character I don't similar. I'chiliad gonna have to bespeak the nifty moments of something because anything that is bad has something skillful inside themselves. So, we are good? Great! Let's get started, shall we?

Wiki cover from :arrow_right: Ana

:burn down: Appearance/Personality :burn down:


Again folks, before we have to know about the guy's appearance and style, we need to know what type of environs Natsu lives in and why his clothing fits with the environment. So, Fairy Tail has a very awesome world setting. Information technology's a beautiful magic world where the people of Fiore and Magnolia are friends while the people outside of it are nighttime and are creepy villains. The years in Fairy Tail usually has an X right besides a requite number. If there is a world where the yr appointment does not sound accurate, information technology'south a magical world. And so, what does this have to do with Natsu's clothing? HA! Glad you enquire! Natsu'southward appearance takes up a rather summery await since Natsu'due south abilities are firepower. When the Fairy Tail first got adapted, we meet Natsu wearing his iconic blackness and yellowish belong and that scaly-ish white scarf who was given to him by Igneel ( :warning: Spoiler: :warning: The scarf was created by Anna Heartfilia). Natsu would e'er appear sleeveless with his vest, simply when the Key of the Starry Sky arc hits Natsu wears one sleeve on his while the other is still sleeveless. The blackness and yellowish belong is non the only blackness and xanthous matter Natsu wears. Natsu straps around a yellow waistband keeping his black and yellow textile in place. The last two features in Natsu's appearance that are also iconic in one's sense; the Fairy Tail lodge mark is located on Natsu's left shoulder and to cap it off is the pink hair Natsu inherits. Now practice not get me wrong, Natsu are ane of the few anime characters who rocks pink hair. People like Renzo from Blue Excorcist and Gilthunder of the Seven Mortiferous Sins, Natsu here is pretty much the well-nigh popular of them all. In many times before Tenrou Island took the place and change Fairy Tail as a series forever, Natsu takes up MANY appearances. There was too much outfits and clothing Natsu was wearing that information technology fabricated me lose count already. For now, I will simply stick to his neutral expect. It is non as bizarre and wacky as the other styles, plus I similar that one sleeve no sleeve mode Natsu has. It'south probably because Natsu wants to show his Fairy Tail pride while existence comfy likewise. Being in a magical earth is absurd, but seing vesture that stands out like that feels new to me for some reason. I love about of Natsu's other appearances that fits in every arc he has been, merely for now the black and yellow is where information technology counts!


If yous also take not notice lately, Fairy Tail is more like than the copy of One Piece. And so for what One Piece does, Fairy Tail will follow over. Any character does, Fairy Tail would sometimes exercise the same. Permit'south say for Monkey D. Luffy in the process; Luffy is such a knucklehead, a hardhead, and braindread 🤣🤣. He ever take such a huge eating habit and whenever there is meat at sight Luffy would but SLAY Information technology. Well, co-ordinate to what I said, Natsu has a good correlation betwixt this. Natsu's personality is simply as reckless and messy as Luffy's, going over and completely fighting over the most dumbest things. Nosotros can run into that in literally the second episode of the whole Fairy Tail anime. If Natsu would fight with somebody, then seconds later the entire guild will be trashed and ruined. Natsu would ever exist willing to fight anyone to either prove is force with people or just, in Fairy Tail standards, protecting his friends. Similar the residual of the guildmates, Natsu is mostly friendly to others.... every single day. If he sees someone hopeless, he volition cheer them up the all-time he can. If he sees someone as an enemy (other than a demon), he will try to befriend them the best he tin. Whatever is in Natsu's mind, he will try to bring the happiness into the earth considering that is Fairy Tail rolls right? This is probably the awakening of the "Power of Friendship" term that has been used for a long fourth dimension now. In the beginning though, Natsu has gotta do what he has gotta practice. He really does not stand up to see someone he loves and cares about earlier his eyes or without him knowing; an example would be Igneel of course. That's the reason why Natsu's friendliness help people who is in serious help.... emotionally, physically, and mentally too. Other than that, Natsu is absurdly enthusiastic like he always was back then. He would constantly start fights, constantly fight others to demonstrate his force, and sometimes befriend others who looks like they needed to be befriended. Natsu was a good guy doing this fourth dimension and I can sympathize why many people inside and outside the anime love him. Just similar how Luffy acted for nigh xx years now, Natsu is only i cracked head that everybody likes in the gild. Fifty-fifty if it is worth fighting for, it'll be Child's Play.

:fire: :fire:

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:burn down: :burn down:

:burn: Moments that I similar :burn:


In the early Fairy Tail, there has been many memorable moments that I cannot cartel to forget. There were amazing arcs that had amazing moments. And inside those arcs, Natsu Dragneel lonely had done some things that made Fairy Tail into series not to forget. There were about i or 2 moments that I found breathtaking from Natsu. Let's started with my favorite Fairy Tail arc of them all: The Belfry of Heaven or Jellal arc. The Tower of Sky arc was an arc that had Jellal and Erza every bit the main spotlights, and towards the end of the arc Natsu stole the show with a devastating blow: A whited out punch-to-the-face at Jellal. Throughout the episodes, there has been some decent that I had no sense of care about. Nevertheless, at the terminate of the arc, things were alread starting to heat up. Apparently Jellal had killed ane of Erza'southward beloved childhood friends during slavery Simon, and that moment was the biggest mistake Jellal e'er made, probably consider it a sin if needed to be. Since Natsu was at the scene he was immediately PISSED delivered two hard blows to the face at Jellal: one when Jellal takes Simon's life and the other when Jellal failed to recieve his powerful magic however. Do y'all know that one moment in One Piece when Luffy just calmy walked up to a Celestial Dragon and punches it SO HARD that the animation and power Luffy put into information technology was mixed upwardly also? This is what Natsu did, except he made it slight better past punching him twice hard enough to use to pause apart the entire crystalized Tower of Heaven. That 1 and only punch knocked the heck of Jellal, and remember that could've been worse than a knockout. That one moment alone made me rewatch the episode at present and then every week. Natsu has been punching faces before and after Jellal, merely Natsu's dial to Jellal will always be my #i favorite moment from him. Other than punching things, he has a good will to overpower his opponents until the terminate. Gajeel, Null, Erigor, all were victims to this act. Information technology'south either considering it is for his friends or just became entirely mad where he doesn't know how to finish y'all off. Seeing characters getting wrecked in the early Fairy Tail was amusing, specially to the ones who deserved information technology. If I want to see a guy become totalled, just (E.North.D.) the homo with a one punch. That'southward why these are my favorite moments because I like seeing villains' faces pummeled!

:fire: :fire:

:burn down: :fire:

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:fire: Relationships :fire:


Whenever I am doing a graphic symbol in Fairy Tail for a wiki, the "relationships" department will be the MOST Important section on here. Reason is that Fairy Tail is literally all about relationships. There are ships that the fans extremely adore; Gajeel and Levy making it Gale, Greyness and Juvia making it Gruvia, and Jellal and Erza making it Jerza. But this fourth dimension lads, this is Natsu we are talking virtually here. And he has a relationship with someone that is fashion too popular for my agreement: that person would be Lucy Heartfilia. Natsu's human relationship with Lucy acts in two means: acts similar they are friends and acts like they are a couple. In the earl Fairy Tail, there was barely that couple feelings awaited for 13 YEARS!!! How the evolution of the human relationship started out when Natsu saved Lucy from a "ship" that held many female models hostage. At that time, Lucy had officially 100% joined the Fairy Tail gild where she could meet lots of friends. Lucky for her, Natsu was the main human being that Lucy had fallen for... greatly. Natsu acts like dragon with no brains towards Lucy without even knowing she would become angry afterwards. That is really how my friends human activity towards me during middle schoolhouse. They say the most obvious questions to everything and that has ticked me off badly. At to the lowest degree I tin can experience a fleck of sympathy for what Lucy feels, fifty-fifty when half of the Fairy Tail lodge appears in her business firm!

Yes, Natsu can human action like a retard right besides Lucy, but that does not hateful he can act that mode all the time though. Natsu, like the rest of his guild, worries nearly Lucy because again.. he would non permit a friend of his go away from anything. During the Phantom Lord arc when Natsu hurriedly rush to grab Lucy as she was falling of PL's fortress lodge, I actually felt that. In my opinion, that is how fans I know loved the Natsu and Lucy ship in the first identify. Fifty-fifty though they never touched lips (at all), fifty-fifty though they are non even married, they nevertheless had a relationship to exist very strong in the future. The thing I similar almost this relationship is that it is cute. The thing I don't like about it is that it has way too many missed and wasted opportunities. Was in that location a kiss? No matrimony? I mean this is the nigh strongest relationship in Fairy Tail, it really shouldn't miss these would-be powerful moments. Again though, I am talking most when Fairy Tail first started, information technology didn't take that much "texture" to what I was hoping for. Ehh anyways, it wassssss a good human relationship in the get-go, and I am still wondering how it'southward gonna end from here.


We absolutely cannot, and I mean CANNOT forget almost Natsu's entire relationship to the Fairy Tail guild. This is Natsu'southward own home and this is his claret and soul. Anybody in the Fairy Tail guild is Natsu'southward friend, and Natsu is everybody in the Fairy Tail guild's friend. They are like everything to each other, and they can't live without each other. What does Natsu have in a human relationship with not just Grayness, Erza, Wendy, freaking Loke, but THE WHOLE guild he inhabits in? Well, like I said before, he acts like a major doofus to the guild. He starts fights with his guild, his fights his friends to bear witness he is stronger, and all that. Simply there is more than that: he fights FOR his friends. It's pretty obvious my friends, Fairy Tail is all well-nigh friendship. If anything was to happen to his gild, Natsu would already be prepared to pay back the favor. With the Phantom Lord arc and the Tartaros arc, the enemies knew they were gonna become screwed in the end. Natsu loves the heck out of his guildmates, and that is no bluff any. He would avenge his friends non in the revengey manner or the bad manner: The "Fairy Tail" way. It presents you that Natsu is one caring salamander ready to take back what they got. He even tries to bring up the strengthen the courage of all his crewmates when they had lost hope and organized religion. Natsu yet have that light for his guild, and he volition still push button it forward with his might. How Natsu feels for his guild is of course family, and he treats him like information technology is the merely family he has. This was the early Natsu that I liked, this was the early Natsu that the people who disliked the Fairy Tail now probably liked. This human relationship did kinda ho-hum further into watching the series, merely dorsum so it was stronger and healthier like never before. Natsu's friendship toward his people and others really meant something. It was deep, it was powerful, it waa something you could feel.... it was meaningful. When Natsu puts his center for his crew, it was meaningful. When Natsu would dice for his crew, it waa meaningful. All of these feelings Natsu had with everyone he know and loves had context, a deep context. This gives more of a reason for what Natsu is even fighting for. Information technology is more than simply fighting for friends, it'due south more than that. Natsu can act like a coward nosotros all know, but deep within he isn't that much of a coward. I only gotta give a thank to Hiro Mashima for actually giving Natsu a purpose for his guild back when FT released its first capacity. That'southward what got me addicted to this series. Just know when Natsu is effectually, friendship will ever prevail!

:fire: :fire:

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:fire: Thoughts :fire:

Natsu Dragneel back in the days was the best Natsu, stop of word. I would start showing my appreciation to Natsu for being just a flat out laughable and pleasurable character. He would exercise some incredible moments punching the HELL out of Jellal in the Tower of Sky arc, literally. Or that moment where he had gotten sick and tired of Laxus'due south antics that he would overpower him in the finish of the Boxing of Fairy Tail arc. The early on Natsu was by far great in my stance, because he would not take direct repeated the same things he did afterward into the series. I honestly cannot stand up that in an anime show, and I begin to have thoughts about dropping the series over its repetitiveness. The 2009 run of the Fairy Tail franchise will always exist the best Fairy Tail... and with actual good development that Natsu had during the time, it makes me want to adore the series and its greatness. So, that is how I feel for Natsu Dragneel Before becoming 1 of the most hated characters in anime. I volition be a fan of when Fairy Tail was outset adapted, and the characters who had crawly personalities and backgrounds, including Natsu. This is Gray'due south bro and Lucy's send nosotros are talking almost here, if he is the main focus point of the series (which should Lucy past the way), nosotros should ALL know Natsu would be getting the attending from his fans. Well, information technology is fourth dimension to wrap this up. How do y'all call up I did for this wiki? It's been near 4 months since I made some other wiki to Fairy Tail, and finally it's hither? If you had fabricated it this far, I would like to thank you for reading this wiki. If you want more Fairy Tail content (that I might diss in the later future :o), then I am that guy. If you lot take annihilation at all, please keep information technology wholesome. Anyways, I will see you lot all side by side time!


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